Erik Buys holds a degree in Social and Cultural Agogical Sciences from the Brussels University (VUB).
After studying and conducting research in the Brussels Musical Instrument Museum (MIM), he specialised in the construction of bowed baroque instruments.
While many new challenges arose, it didn’t take long for him to focus on modern, high performing concert instruments.
His instruments are based on Northern-Italian, 17-18th century models and are being played by musicians all over Europe.
In 2016 he was a laureate at the cello making contest “VioloncellEnSeine" in Paris
Erik Buys also teaches violin making and acoustics at ILSA (Internationale Lutherie School Antwerpen)
Besides making instruments, he's a passionated chess player.
+32 3 488 14 11 (fixe)
+32 498 33 66 81 (gsm)
Prins Leopoldlei 69
2640 Mortsel, Belgium